Si riparte, RESTART.

He .. e sarebbe il caso di ricominciare a ”volare” I just really miss the time I spent on my sketches. And there ara lots of projects that are just waiting to be pushed on.

Here we are

Here are Daddo’s works, passions, dreams. A 360′ panoramic view of Daddo’s word. You can find services provided, his experiences as artist, the way he works and the a calendar with past (and future) events Daddo attended (and will attend), a blog, galleries with sketches and his online shop to buy if interested. “Here I am, […]

Just really need an escape!

Not much to add to the title. Drawing remains to me my personal window on other worlds. Where escaping does not imply necessarily a critic to my currant life. It is just an opportunity to explore: feelings, situations, relations between me and all the remaining… and I never know where it takes me. Daddo

This is going to be a challenge.

Just grabbed the graphic tablet. An immage poped out my mind, dirctly to the hand…. And leaves me the hard duty to complete the job.