The Jeffers

“In this new section are shown some sketches I made while ago. It was 2014/2015, and I was often collaborating with a good friend mine in Italy: Chiara Graziani. Chiara is a Psychologist of young age children. For a while we tried to use the Jeffers, a strange kind of potato with seven legs, one […]
Going crazy for #Lunarossa

It is a real surprise, first, for my self. I am REALLY going crazy for this America’s Cup. Also, seams the hand has find its own challenge. The challenge it likes. I can not do much but witnessing. (and have fun) Daddo
Another page for the website… althoght not the funniest: 27/01/’45

Many of my friends know my personal story. This is a very important bit of myself. The 27th of January, every year, is celebrated the Day of International Holocaust Remembrance Day. It is an international memorial day that commemorates the victims of the Shoa, the genocide of European Jews by Nazi Germany between 1941 and […]
Now forward…

“Cico Mendez. A very old friend of mine, very well used traveler of strange kinds of… dusty worlds. Let see if I manage to tell a story about his life. He has, for now, clearly left a good friend behind. With the silent agreement that they will find a way to rejoin… although, where they […]
the NEW… is going backword

This happens to me al the time. I start something and than I start wondering: where does it come frome? And I end going backword. But, after a litle bit of thinking, I decided to publish… everything I put on “paper”. DADDO
new challange

“Here I am. A new challenge: while ago a did a sketch in b&w (acqtualy was “seppia”). And a friend via facebook said: I would lika to see it in wotar colours!!! Lets see.” Daddo
Si riparte, RESTART.

He .. e sarebbe il caso di ricominciare a ”volare” I just really miss the time I spent on my sketches. And there ara lots of projects that are just waiting to be pushed on.